Welcome to RARARI

This site will provide you with details about the RARARI initiative.

The Remote And Rural Areas Resource Initiative (RARARI for short) is a project funded by N.H.S Scotland, to develop healthcare services and support for professional staff in remote and rural parts of Scotland.

RARARI has developed new, clinically appropriate, accessible and sustainable healthcare models in remote and rural areas.

Service development, education & training and research projects, all play their part in RARARI’s work.

RARARI is a 4-year initiative, with £2 million annual funding from the Scottish Executive Health Department and is currently in its final year.

We have built links with Boards, Trusts, other healthcare bodies and N.H.S funding initiatives, in order to work in partnership with them, in areas where we have a common interest.

RARARI over the previous 3 years has always identified the central role of education and training to support generalist activities in remote and rural practice. We will take all the experience and knowledge gained in this field into our discussions with NES.

Recruitment & Retention
Activities such as the skills mapping and competency work will all assist in the planning of the work force of the future. This work sitting alongside the developing education agenda we are taking forward with NES all play in to assisting the recruitment of staff in remote and rural areas.

RARARI working with the CNO will model and test the expected outcomes from the Framework for Maternity services and the subsequent EGAM’s report in the rural healthcare setting. This will involve working with rural maternity teams on a pilot basis and disseminating lessons learned.

RARARI has assisted the development of remote and rural research over the last 3 years through the establishment of the Highlands and Islands Health Research Institute.

Document Library
In the Document Library, you will find a variety of online documents.

Contact Us
List of contact details for individual team members.

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